$disallowed = array('проклятье', 'черт', 'черт побери!', 'дьявол');
$string = word_censor($string, $disallowed, '<пип>');
function word_censor($str, $censored, $replacement = '')
if ( ! is_array($censored))
return $str;
$str = ' '.$str.' ';
// w, b and a few others do not match on a unicode character
// set for performance reasons. As a result words like ?ber
// will not match on a word boundary. Instead, we'll assume that
// a bad word will be bookeneded by any of these characters.
$delim = '[-_'"`(){}<>[]|!?@#%&,.:;^~*+=/ 0-9nrt]';
foreach ($censored as $badword)
if ($replacement != '')
$str = preg_replace("/({$delim})(".str_replace('*', 'w*?', preg_quote($badword, '/')).")({$delim})/i", "\1{$replacement}\3", $str);
$str = preg_replace("/({$delim})(".str_replace('*', 'w*?', preg_quote($badword, '/')).")({$delim})/ie", "'\1'.str_repeat('#', strlen('\2')).'\3'", $str);
return trim($str);