{% else-1 %}
(5 дек 2012, 20:42) (0/0) [0]
Тема закрыта для обсуждения! *
(5 дек 2012, 20:41) (0/0) [0]
MaXina, спс помог
(5 дек 2012, 19:13) (0/0) [0]
antidot, оно не в папке а в корневой
(5 дек 2012, 18:58) (0/0) [0]
antidot, не понял не хрена
(5 дек 2012, 18:19) (0/0) [0]
Помогите исправить
(5 дек 2012, 18:13) (0/0) [0]
вот код
11: include \'mod_reg.dat\';
12: require \'config.php\';
13: $link = connect_db();
14: include \'user.php\';
15: include \'head.php\';
17: function xss($var)
18: {
19: $var = trim($var);
20: $var = str_replace(\"\\00\", \"\",
21: $var =
22: $var = htmlspecialchars
23: return $var;
24: }
(5 дек 2012, 07:36) (0/0) [0]
Warning: include(user.php)
[function.include]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory
in /home/vseti748/public_html/
reg.php on line 15
Warning: include(user.php)
[function.include]: failed to open
stream: No such file or directory
in /home/vseti748/public_html/
reg.php on line 15
Warning: include()
[function.include]: Failed opening
\'user.php\' for inclusion
Smarty\') in /home/vseti748/
public_html/reg.php on line 15
  • 1 из 1