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есть у меня json ответ
"sections": [{
"title": "Assessed projects",
"projects": [{
"title": "Past",
"projects": [{
"startupName": "Decent",
"startupLogo": "http://i.imgur.com/8qoka4O.png",
"startupReport": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hssj-S1Os4H3LYPYKqjUtqq042BFoicqgSZKK2jxbSg/edit",
"category": "Media",
"description": "фыафыа",
"ratingScore": "RISKY+",
"legal": "2015, Slovakia",
"www": "https://dывмвываt.ch",
"bitcointalk": "https://biмывмы=1162392.0",
"twitter": "https://twitывмывмыom/DECENTplatform",
"facebook": "https://www.ывпмывмm/DECENTplatform/?ref=hl",
"slack": "https://deceвмымыuapp.com/",
"reddit": "",
"linkedin": "https://wwwывмывмым/company/decent-ngo-",
"telegram": "https://teывмывмывмDM7KGAobNAOYNYFl1CjQfA",
"medium": "",
"blog": "https://dывмывмымblog/",
"github": "https://gitывмывмv/DECENT/tree/master/src",
"steemit": "",
"whitepaper": "http://wwwывмывмымmывыer.pdf",
"features": "- Indвмывмывмy",
"similarProjects": "Steemit, Lbry",
"startIco": "11.09.2016",
"endIco": "06.11.2016",
"tokenSales": "The iывмывиывм",
"escrow": "Coinbase wiывмывмывмko CTO of Grid Singularity, Ex-CTO of Mycelium.n",
"accepts": "BTC, altcoins via Shapeshift, fiat currencies",
"technicalDetails": "DEывмывмывмывмымn",
"theSourceCode": "partially opened on github",
"proofOfDeveloper": "Public team",
"tokensDistribution": "The final numваиавиваи",
"bountyCampaign": "1 million DCT tokens will be distributed among signatories on social network accounts, signees on Bitcointalk, and also amongst participants for translating information resources to other languages.rn",
"youtube": "https://www.yваиави/omAAUtjuJrw",
"summaries": "Advaваиавиваиваиin the absence of a prototype, there is no confidence in the medium-term investment attractiveness of this platform.",
"blockchainAddress": "33WDB3nsVHH5qafCAriPb8Jmb1e3ptsY4h",
"etherscanAddress": "",
"dividends": "",
"team": "",
"id": 2,
"slug": "Decent"
}, {
"startupName": "Kiваиваи",
"startupLogo": "http://i.imgur.com/km0VnUy.png",
"startupReport": "https://docs.google.com/ваиваиваиing",
"category": "Gambling",
"description": "The fiваививаи smart contract-based lotto",
"ratingScore": "ваиTIVE",
"legal": "2016, Sваиore",
"www": "https://kiboplatвиави.html",
"bitcointalk": "https://bitваиваивopicваи91.220",
"twitter": "https://twitter.ваиваивorm",
"facebook": "https:/ваиваиOPlatformOfficial/",
"slack": "",
"reddit": "https://ваиви/r/kibo",
"linkedin": "",
"telegram": "",
"medium": "https://medium.com/Удалён
"blog": "",
"github": "",
"steemit": "",
"whitepaper": "https://kiboplatform.net/_alldata/files/kibowhitepaper.pdf",
"features": "- Organваиваививttery",
"similarProjects": "vDice",
"startIco": "01.10.2016",
"endIco": "10.11.2016",
"tokenSales": "KIваиваиваи.n",
"escrow": "no",
"accepts": "BTC, ETH",
"technicalDetails": "KIBO ваиваиваиthe developers, since they own 250 thousand out of 350 thousand tokens). n",
"theSourceCode": "Partially opened on github",
"proofOfDeveloper": "Public team",
"tokensDistribution": "The Kibo platform uses several types of tokens that are associated with each other. These tokens are not used directly for cash payments. Cash payments occur via ETH tokens.rnrnA KIBO control token is used to contract management and voting on amendments to the system. Initially they will be distributed among the partners. 1% of all winnings on the network will be distributed among the owners of these tokens, at the same time, the payment is made only if the owner of the token votes during decision-making on changes to the network.rnrnA KIBIT token is the main token of the Kibo platform. A total of 350 million tokens will be issued. Of these, 250 million will belong to the developer, 100 million will be sold during the ICO. Unsold tokens will be transferred under the management of the Kibo partners. 14% of all winnings on the network will be distributed among the owners of the tokens.rnrnA KIBO PLATFORM token allows someone to become a KIBO branch owner and receive the respective bonus for the expansion of the client network and building of a branch network. ",
"bountyCampaign": "None",
"youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/embed/vRXz3apc83Q",
"summaries": "Advantaваивиавиtive.",
"blockchainAddress": "",
"etherscanAddress": "0x38355ab2667ed167cadcd132603bc6236c8295de",
"dividends": "",
"team": "",
"id": 5,
"slug": "Kibo-Lotto"
как-то так. мне нужно например взять "description", как это сделать? чтобы именно "description"
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