* Тема закрыта!
Creator * 2.23
[автор] (8 фев 2017, 20:27) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Вобшем поставил плагин на cs 1.6 maps 1.9
Только после смены карты заморозка немного больше чем на стартном, немогу найти с где етот можно поменять времья заморозки при смене карты.
код в втором посте..

Nextmap Chooser
Интегрированы: Lastround & RockTheVote

Использован код следующих плагинов, за что их авторам большая благодарность:
1. Nextmap Chooser Plugin
by the AMX Mod X Development Team
originally developed by OLO

2. RockTheVote v1.8
Made by DA

amx_extendmap_max (default: 45) - Максимальная длительность карты в минутах
amx_extendmap_step (default: 15) - Время продления карты за 1 раз в минутах
amx_vote_time (default: 15) - Длительность голосования в секундах
amx_vote_delay (default: 3) - Отсрочка голосования в минутах от начала карты
amx_votemap_ratio (default: 0.6) - Процент голосов для начала голосования (по-умолчанию 60%)
amx_lastround (default: 1) - Производить смену карты по окончании раунда.

Rebuilding by UFPS.Team

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#define PLUGIN_NAME "Nextmap Chooser"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.9"

#define SELECTMAPS 5
#define MAPS_MAX 128
#define AUTO_LANG -76

#define charsmax(%1) (sizeof(%1)-1)

new g_mapNums
new g_mapName [MAPS_MAX][32]

new g_nextName [SELECTMAPS]
new g_voteCount [SELECTMAPS + 2]
new g_mapVoteNum
new g_teamScore [2]
new g_lastMap [32]
new g_rtv_count
new g_rtv_vote [33]

new g_MENU [512]
new g_MENU_keys = ( 1 << SELECTMAPS + 1 )
new g_MENU_name [64]
new g_MENU_title [128]

new const speak[][] = { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" }

new g_coloredMenus = 0
new bool:g_rtv = false
new bool:g_lastround = false
new bool:g_changemap = false
new bool:g_selected = false
new Float:g_timelimit = 0.0

new pcv_lastround
new pcv_extendmap_max
new pcv_extendmap_step
new pcv_vote_time
new pcv_vote_delay
new pcv_votemap_ratio
new pcv_amx_nextmap
new pcv_mp_chattime
new pcv_mp_timelimit
new pcv_mp_winlimit
new pcv_mp_maxrounds

public plugin_init( )

register_dictionary ( "common.txt" )
register_dictionary ( "lastround.txt" )
register_dictionary ( "mapchooser.txt" )

register_clcmd( "say rockthevote", "cmd_say_rtv" )
register_clcmd( "say /rockthevote", "cmd_say_rtv" )
register_clcmd( "say rtv", "cmd_say_rtv" )
register_clcmd( "say /rtv", "cmd_say_rtv" )

register_clcmd( "say_team rockthevote", "cmd_say_rtv" )
register_clcmd( "say_team /rockthevote", "cmd_say_rtv" )
register_clcmd( "say_team rtv", "cmd_say_rtv" )
register_clcmd( "say_team /rtv", "cmd_say_rtv" )

pcv_vote_time = pcvar_register( "amx_vote_time", "15" )
pcv_vote_delay = pcvar_register( "amx_vote_delay", "3" )
pcv_votemap_ratio = pcvar_register( "amx_votemap_ratio", "0.60" )
pcv_extendmap_max = pcvar_register( "amx_extendmap_max", "45" )
pcv_extendmap_step = pcvar_register( "amx_extendmap_step", "15" )

pcv_mp_chattime = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_chattime" )
pcv_mp_timelimit = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_timelimit" )
pcv_mp_winlimit = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_winlimit" )
pcv_mp_maxrounds = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_maxrounds" )
pcv_amx_nextmap = get_cvar_pointer( "amx_nextmap" )

if( !pcv_amx_nextmap )
pcv_amx_nextmap = register_cvar( "amx_nextmap", "", FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_EXTDLL | FCVAR_SPONLY )

if( cstrike_running( ) )
pcv_lastround = register_cvar( "amx_lastround", "1" )
register_event( "TeamScore", "team_score", "a" )
register_logevent( "evRoundStart", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_Start" )

register_event( "30", "mapChange", "a" )

g_coloredMenus = colored_menus( )

get_localinfo( "lastMap", g_lastMap, charsmax( g_lastMap ) )
set_localinfo( "lastMap", "" )

set_cvar_float( "sv_restart", 1.0 )

public plugin_cfg( )
new mapcycle[64]
get_configsdir( mapcycle, charsmax( mapcycle ) )
format( mapcycle, charsmax( mapcycle ), "%s/maps.ini", mapcycle )

if( !file_exists( mapcycle ) )
get_cvar_string( "mapcyclefile", mapcycle, charsmax( mapcycle ) )

if( !file_exists( mapcycle ) )
copy( mapcycle, charsmax( mapcycle ), "mapcycle.txt" )

if( loadSettings( mapcycle) )
set_task( 15.0, "voteNextmap", 987456, "", 0, "b" )

formatex( g_MENU_name, charsmax( g_MENU_name ), "%L", "en", "CHOOSE_NEXTM" )
register_menucmd( register_menuid( g_MENU_name ), ( -1 ^ ( -1 << ( SELECTMAPS + 2 ) ) ), "countVote" )

public countVote( id, key )
if( get_cvar_float( "amx_vote_answers" ) )
new name[32]
get_user_name( id, name, charsmax( name ) )

if( key == SELECTMAPS )
client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHOSE_EXT", name )

else if( key < SELECTMAPS )
new map[32]
copy( map, charsmax( map ), g_mapName[g_nextName[key]] )
client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "X_CHOSE_X", name, map )



public voteNextmap( )
if( !g_mapNums ) return 0

new winlimit = get_pcvar_num( pcv_mp_winlimit )
new maxrounds = get_pcvar_num( pcv_mp_maxrounds )

if( g_rtv )
winlimit = 0
maxrounds = -1

if( winlimit )
new c = winlimit - 2

if( ( c > g_teamScore[0] ) && ( c > g_teamScore[1] ) )
g_selected = false
return 0

else if( maxrounds )
if( ( maxrounds - 2 ) > ( g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1] ) )
g_selected = false
return 0

new timeleft = get_timeleft( )

if( timeleft < 1 || timeleft > 129 )
g_selected = false
return 0

if( g_selected ) return 0

g_selected = true

new pos, a

g_MENU_keys = ( 1 << SELECTMAPS + 1 )

new dmax = clamp( g_mapNums, 0, SELECTMAPS )

for( g_mapVoteNum = 0; g_mapVoteNum < dmax; g_mapVoteNum++ )
a = random_num( 0, g_mapNums - 1 )

while( isInMenu( a ) ) { if( ++a >= g_mapNums ) a = 0; }

g_nextName[g_mapVoteNum] = a
pos += format( g_MENU[pos], charsmax( g_MENU ), "%d. %s^n", g_mapVoteNum + 1, g_mapName[a] )
g_MENU_keys |= ( 1 << g_mapVoteNum )
g_voteCount[g_mapVoteNum] = 0

g_MENU[pos++] = '^n'
g_voteCount[SELECTMAPS] = 0
g_voteCount[SELECTMAPS + 1] = 0

new mapname[32]
get_mapname( mapname, charsmax( mapname ) )

if( ( winlimit + maxrounds ) == 0 && ( get_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit ) < get_pcvar_float( pcv_extendmap_max ) ) )
pos += format( g_MENU[pos], charsmax( g_MENU ), "%d. %L^n", SELECTMAPS + 1, LANG_SERVER, "EXTED_MAP", mapname )
g_MENU_keys |= ( 1 << SELECTMAPS )

format( g_MENU[pos], charsmax( g_MENU ), "%d. %L", SELECTMAPS + 2, LANG_SERVER, "NONE" )
set_task( 1.0, "countDown", 5 )

return 1

stock bool:isInMenu( id )
for( new a; a < g_mapVoteNum; a++ )
if( id == g_nextName[a] ) return true

return false

public countDown( timer )
if( timer )
client_cmd( 0 ,"spk ^"fvox/%s^"", speak[timer-1] )
say_hudmessage( 0, 64, 64, 64, 0.025, -1.0, 0, 0.0, 1.03, 0.0, 0.0, 4, "%L %L", AUTO_LANG, "CHOOSE_NEXTM", AUTO_LANG, "VOTE_COUNTER", timer, g_MENU )
set_task(1.0, "countDown", --timer)

set_task( 0.01, "showMenu" )

public showMenu( )
new Float:votetime = floatclamp( get_pcvar_float ( pcv_vote_time ), 10.0, 60.0 )

new menu[512], players[32], player, num
get_players( players, num, "ch" )

for( new i; i < num; i++ )
player = players[i]

formatex( g_MENU_title, charsmax( g_MENU_title ), g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L:\w^n^n" : "%L:^n^n", player, "CHOOSE_NEXTM" )
formatex( menu, charsmax( menu ), "%s%s", g_MENU_title, g_MENU )
show_menu( player, g_MENU_keys, menu, floatround( votetime ), g_MENU_name )

set_task( votetime + 0.5, "checkVotes" )

client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "TIME_CHOOSE" )
client_cmd( 0, "spk Gman/Gman_Choose%d", random_num( 1, 2 ) )
log_amx( "Vote: Voting for the nextmap started" )

public checkVotes( )
new b = 0

for( new a; a < g_mapVoteNum; ++a )
if( g_voteCount[b] < g_voteCount[a] ) b = a

if( g_voteCount[SELECTMAPS] > g_voteCount[b] && g_voteCount[SELECTMAPS] > g_voteCount[SELECTMAPS + 1] )
if( !g_timelimit )
g_timelimit = get_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit )

new Float:steptime = get_pcvar_float( pcv_extendmap_step )

new mapname[32]
get_mapname( mapname, charsmax( mapname ) )

set_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit, get_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit ) + steptime )
client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHO_FIN_EXT", steptime )
log_amx( "Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. Map %s will be extended to next %.0f minutes", mapname, steptime )


new smap[32]
if( g_voteCount[b] && g_voteCount[SELECTMAPS + 1] <= g_voteCount[b] )
copy( smap, charsmax( smap ), g_mapName[g_nextName[b]] )
set_pcvar_string( pcv_amx_nextmap, smap )

get_pcvar_string( pcv_amx_nextmap, smap, charsmax( smap ) )
client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CHO_FIN_NEXT", smap )
log_amx( "Vote: Voting for the nextmap finished. The nextmap will be %s", smap )

new players[32], num
get_players( players, num, "ch" )

if( g_rtv )
if( pcv_lastround && get_pcvar_num( pcv_lastround ) )
if( !g_timelimit )
g_timelimit = get_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit )

set_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit, 0.0 )

g_rtv = false
g_changemap = true
g_lastround = false

say_hudmessage( 0, 210, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.21, 1, 20.0, 10.0, 0.5, 0.15, 4, "%L", AUTO_LANG, "FINAL_ROUND" )


g_rtv = false

else if( num > 1 )
if( pcv_lastround )
set_task( 90.0 - floatclamp( get_pcvar_float ( pcv_vote_time ), 10.0, 60.0 ), "initiateLastRound", 23478, "", 0, "d" )

set_task( 1.0, "delayMapChange" )

public initiateLastRound( )
if( !get_pcvar_num( pcv_lastround ) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

if( !g_timelimit )
g_timelimit = get_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit )

g_lastround = true
set_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit, 0.0 )

say_hudmessage( 0, 100, 200, 0, 0.02, 0.21, 1, 20.0, 10.0, 0.5, 0.15, 4, "%L", AUTO_LANG, "FINAL_COMING" )


public evRoundStart( )
if( !pcv_lastround ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

if( !get_pcvar_num( pcv_lastround ) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

if( g_lastround )
g_changemap = true
g_lastround = false

say_hudmessage( 0, 210, 0, 0, 0.02, 0.21, 1, 20.0, 10.0, 0.5, 0.15, 4, "%L", AUTO_LANG, "FINAL_ROUND" )

else if( g_changemap )
message_begin ( MSG_ALL, SVC_INTERMISSION )
message_end ( )

set_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit, 0.01 )


public mapChange ( )
new Float:chattime = get_pcvar_float ( pcv_mp_chattime )

if ( chattime < 3.0 )
chattime = 3.0
set_pcvar_float ( pcv_mp_chattime, chattime )

set_task( chattime - 1.0, "delayMapChange" )


public delayMapChange( )
new nextmap[32]
get_pcvar_string( pcv_amx_nextmap, nextmap, charsmax( nextmap ) )
server_cmd( "changelevel %s", nextmap )

loadSettings( filename[] )
if( !file_exists( filename ) )
log_amx( "Mapcycle file ^"%s^" not found", filename )
return 0

g_mapNums = 0

new currentMap[32], map[32], string[256]
get_mapname( currentMap, charsmax( currentMap ) )

new file = fopen( filename, "r" )

while( !feof( file ) )
fgets( file, string, charsmax( string ) )

( string[0] != ';' ) &&
( string[0] != '/' ) &&
parse( string, map, charsmax( map ) ) &&
isValidMap( map, charsmax( map ), currentMap ) &&
isMapCycle( map ) == -1
copy( g_mapName[g_mapNums++], charsmax( g_mapName[] ), map )


fclose( file )

return g_mapNums

stock bool:isValidMap( map[], const len, const currentMap[] )
remove_quotes ( map )
strtolower( map )

while( replace( map, len, "/", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, "\", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, ":", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, "*", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, "?", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, ">", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, "<", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, "|", "" ) ) {}
while( replace( map, len, ".", "" ) ) {}

if( is_map_valid( map ) && !equali( map, g_lastMap ) && !equali( map, currentMap ) ) return true

return false

stock isMapCycle( map[] )
for( new i; i < g_mapNums; i++ )
if( equali( g_mapName[i], map ) ) return i

return -1

public team_score( )
new team[2]

read_data( 1, team, 1 )
g_teamScore[( team[0]=='C' ) ? 0 : 1] = read_data( 2 )

public pcvar_register( const pcvar_name[], const pcvar_value[] )
new pcvar_index = get_cvar_pointer( pcvar_name )

if( !pcvar_index )
pcvar_index = register_cvar( pcvar_name, pcvar_value )

return pcvar_index

stock say_hudmessage( id, red=255, green=255, blue=255, Float:x=0.05, Float:y=0.45, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=5.0, Float:fadeintime=0.5, Float:fadeouttime=0.15, channel=4, msg[], any:... )
new arg_num = numargs()
new arg_langid[16], arg_langcount

for( new i = 12; i < arg_num; i++ )
if( getarg( i ) == AUTO_LANG )
arg_langid[arg_langcount++] = i

new players[32], player, num

if( id )
players[0] = id
num = 1

get_players( players, num )

set_hudmessage( red, green, blue, x, y, effects, fxtime, holdtime, fadeintime, fadeouttime, channel )

new message[192]

for( new i; i < num; i++ )
player = players[i]

if( !is_user_connected( player ) ) continue

for( new j; j < arg_langcount; j++ )
setarg( arg_langid[j], 0, player )

vformat( message, charsmax( message ), msg, 14 )
show_hudmessage( player, message )

public cmd_say_rtv( id )
if( get_gametime( ) < ( get_pcvar_float( pcv_vote_delay ) * 60.0 ) )
new timeleft = floatround( get_pcvar_float( pcv_vote_delay ) * 60.0 - get_gametime( ) )

client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "RTV_NOTALLOWED", timeleft / 60, timeleft % 60 )

if( g_rtv_vote[id - 1] == id ) client_print( id, print_chat, "%L", id, "RTV_ALREADY" )

g_rtv_vote[id - 1] = id

static players[32], num
get_players( players, num, "ch" )

new Float:voteratio = floatclamp( get_pcvar_float ( pcv_votemap_ratio ), 0.0, 1.0 )

num = floatround( voteratio * num )

if( num <= g_rtv_count )
g_rtv = true
voteNextmap( )


static name[32]
get_user_name( id, name, charsmax( name ) )

client_print( 0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "RTV_ADDVOTE", name, num - g_rtv_count, floatround( voteratio * 100.0 ) )


public client_disconnect( id )
if( g_rtv_vote[id - 1] == id )
g_rtv_vote[id - 1] = 0

public plugin_end( )
if( g_timelimit )
set_pcvar_float( pcv_mp_timelimit, g_timelimit )

new current_map[32]
get_mapname( current_map, charsmax( current_map ) )

set_localinfo( "lastMap", current_map )


KG Tube * 0.03
(8 фев 2017, 20:31) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Время на закупку оружия?

Creator * 2.23
[автор] (8 фев 2017, 20:32) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

или я слепой или здесь нету ?

Creator * 2.23
[автор] (8 фев 2017, 20:35) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Edik0smos, да нет... Когда последний раунд до смены карты и меняеться карта окно Табл игроков показывает тогда обычно 5 сек должно быть, а у меня за 10 сек и тогда меняет карту

OZZY * 15.21
(8 фев 2017, 20:37) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Походу перед началом раунда

Creator * 2.23
[автор] (8 фев 2017, 20:38) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Макс Шустов, нет в конце раунда.. когда таблицу игроков показывает

KG Tube * 0.03
(8 фев 2017, 20:39) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Creator, это же в server.cfg
Время перед сменой карты после победы одной из команд. Измеряется в секундах.
-mp_chattime (0 - 100)

Creator * 2.23
[автор] (8 фев 2017, 20:41) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Edik0smos, да нет.. не времья карты а времья табл окна (список игроков) когда сейчас смениться карта
Добавлено 09.02.17 в 19:13:21:
сам уже разобрался...

Creator * 2.23
[автор] (9 фев 2017, 19:13) [0/0] [0] [спам] [под]

Тема закрыта для обсуждения! *

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