{% else-1 %}
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FBorodach * 10.65
(25 мар 2013, 20:53) [0/0] [0] [отв] [спам] [под] +1 | -1

HELL, гг. Zipvap мой был) меня цифры $color = imagecol
($image, 255, 255

PlayME * 1.34
[автор] (25 мар 2013, 20:56) [0/0] [0] [отв] [спам] [под] +1 | -1

Fazik, уменя на цыфры берет цвет фона сайта*

»HuP™ * [мошенник] 0.62
(1 апр 2013, 20:41) [0/0] [0] [отв] [спам] [под] +1 | -1

Помагите по zipvap. Устанавил двиг, а откуда найду данный админа

14. (1 апр 2013, 20:58) [0/0] [0] [отв] [спам] [под] +1 | -1

define(NTOP, 1);
require_once (system/connect.php);
require_once (system/core.php);
header(\"Content-type: image/gif\"*;
$onlines = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM `\".$prefix.\"sait_online` WHERE `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\'\"*);
$sait_t = mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM `\".$prefix.\"sait` WHERE `id` = \'\".$id.\"\'\"*;
$timeon = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM `\".$prefix.\"stat`\"*);
if(mysql_num_rows($sait_t) == 1 && $timeon[\'update\'] == 0){
$sait = mysql_fetch_array($sait_t);
$operator_id = mysql_query(\"SELECT `on` FROM `\".$prefix.\"ip` WHERE INET_ATON(\'\".$ip.\"\') BETWEEN `min` AND `max`\"*;
if(mysql_num_rows($operator_id) > 0){
$arr = mysql_fetch_array($operator_id);
$operator = $arr[\'on\'];
$operator = 1000;
$isset = mysql_query(\"SELECT `id` FROM `\".$prefix.\"hosts` WHERE `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\' AND `ip` = \'\".$ip.\"\'\"*;
$ips = explode(\'.\', $_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\']);
$ipnum = $ips[3] + $ips[2] * 256 + $ips[1] * 256 * 256 + $ips[0] * 256 * 256 * 256;
$oper = mysql_result(mysql_query (\"SELECT `on` FROM `ip` WHERE $ipnum BETWEEN `ip`.`min` AND `ip`.`max` LIMIT 1\"*,0);
if (mysql_num_rows($isset) == 0 && $oper == 1){
mysql_query(\"INSERT INTO `\".$prefix.\"hosts` SET `time` = \'\".time().\"\', `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\', `ip` = \'\".$ip.\"\', `browser` = \'\".browser().\"\', `operator` = \'\".$operator.\"\'\"*;
mysql_query(\"INSERT INTO `\".$prefix.\"hits` SET `time` = \'\".time().\"\', `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\' ,`ip` = \'\".$ip.\"\', `browser` = \'\".browser().\"\', `operator` = \'\".$operator.\"\'\"*;
mysql_query(\"UPDATE `\".$prefix.\"sait` SET `hosts` = (`hosts` + 1), `hits` = (`hits` + 1) WHERE `id` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\'\"*;
mysql_query(\"INSERT INTO `\".$prefix.\"hits` SET `time` = \'\".time().\"\', `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\' ,`ip` = \'\".$ip.\"\',`browser` = \'\".browser().\"\', `operator` = \'\".$operator.\"\'\"*;
mysql_query(\"UPDATE `\".$prefix.\"sait` SET `hits` = (`hits` + 1) WHERE `id` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\'\"*;
$onlines = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query(\"SELECT `id` FROM `\".$prefix.\"sait_online` WHERE `ip` = \'\".$ip.\"\' AND `ua` = \'\".$ua.\"\' AND `time` > \'\".(time()-500).\"\' AND `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\'\"*);
if($onlines >= 1){
mysql_query(\"UPDATE `\".$prefix.\"sait_online` SET `time` = \'\".time().\"\' WHERE `ip` = \'\".$ip.\"\' AND `ua` = \'\".$ua.\"\' AND `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\'\"*;
mysql_query(\"DELETE FROM `\".$prefix.\"sait_online` WHERE `time` < \'\".(time()-500).\"\' AND `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\'\"*;
mysql_query(\"INSERT INTO `\".$prefix.\"sait_online` SET `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\', `ip` = \'\".$ip.\"\', `ua` = \'\".$ua.\"\', `time` = \'\".time().\"\'\"*;
$img = \'images/stat/\'.$sait[\'image\'].\'.gif\';
$image = imagecreatefromgif($img);
$hits = 69 - (strlen($sait[\'hits\'])*5);
$hosts = 29 - (strlen($sait[\'hosts\']) * 5);
$col = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query(\"SELECT `color` FROM `\".$prefix.\"images` WHERE `name` = \'\".$sait[\'image\'].\"\'\"*);
$black = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
$color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
ImageString($image, 1, $hits, 14, $sait[\'hits\'], $color);
ImageString($image, 1, $hosts, 14, $sait[\'hosts\'], $color);
}elseif($act == \'on\'){
$img = \'images/stat/\'.$sait[\'on\'].\'.gif\';
$image = imagecreatefromgif($img);
$onlines = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query(\"SELECT * FROM `\".$prefix.\"sait_online` WHERE `id_sait` = \'\".$sait[\'id\'].\"\'\"*);
$online = 72 - (strlen($onlines) * 5);
$colorus = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
}elseif($act == \'small\'){
$img = \'images/stat/\'.$sait[\'small\'].\'.gif\';
$image = imagecreatefromgif($img);

zerg * 2.57
(1 апр 2013, 21:02) [0/0] [0] [отв] [спам] [под] +1 | -1

$colorus = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
Здесь меняй

16. (1 апр 2013, 21:09) [0/0] [0] [отв] [спам] [под] +1 | -1

$color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
тут цвет выставляется.
$color = imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);

17. (1 апр 2013, 21:22) [1/0] [1] [отв] [спам] [под] +1 | -1

интересно зачем эта переменная ?
$col = mysql_fetch_array
(\"SELECT `color` FROM `\".
$prefix.\"images` WHERE `name` = \'\".
$sait[\'image\'].\"\'\"*); *

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